Getting the Right Downdraft Paint Booth for You

The best part about going through BLUESKY to get all of your paint booth needs is the customizability. We understand that every collision center, body shop, and heavy machinery company has different needs and expectations. To suit the unique needs of each and every company, BLUESKY provides a number of different downdraft paint booths for each job.

Unlike some of the other paint booth manufacturers on the market, BLUESKY downdraft booths are able to be modified and, in some cases, completely customized to meet the demands of every type of body shop and collision repair center.

Customers who need extra customizability can easily modify the baseline paint booth models in a number of ways:
1. Dual skin insulation
2. Pitless design
3. Versatility
4. Drive thru configuration
5. Improved functions
If you are interested in the above methods, you can contact us for more details.

BLUESKY isn’t one of the most trusted and well-respected names in the industry for no reason. Our wide selection of paint booths can fit any type of job, regardless of how big or small the project is. Our popular range of downdraft paint booths come with a variety of different options, so you can mix, match, and experiment until you find the right type of booth for your job. All of BLUESKY’s booths are heavy duty and designed to handle a high volume of work. You can even choose whether you want to place your paint booth indoors or install it outside. Both are durable and able to provide the same high quality level of finish.

Are you searching for a paint booth that can handle years of non-stop use? Or do you need downdraft booth that can help you reduce time between jobs? No matter what you’re looking for, BLUESKY paint booths and paint booth accessories can help you meet all of your goals and deadlines. Contact an BLUESKY representative today to learn more about how you can customize the perfect Downdraft paint booth to meet all of your needs and expectations.
